Evidence on a possible relationship between vitamin D deficiency and depression is growing. For example one review of 13 studies with over 31000 participants found that those with a vitamin D deficiency had an increased risk for depression when compared to those with higher levels of Vitamin D.
Vitamin D and depression.
Vit d and depression. Evidence on a possible relationship between vitamin D deficiency and depression is growing. In this review the authors summarized the evidence on the association between vitamin D status and depression in human observational studies followed by clinical trials to evaluate the effects of vitamin D supplementation in treating depression. In conclusion vitamin D deficiency may be associated with an increased risk or severity of depression.
On savait déjà que la dépression saisonnière qui frappe entre 5 et 10 de la population en Occident était due à un manque de vitamine D. Is a Vitamin D Deficiency Causing Your Depression. Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin.
It is an essential fat-soluble nutrient. It helps keep bones. Vitamin D and depression.
Studies have shown a link between vitamin D deficiency and depression. Lower vitamin D levels were found in people with depression compared with controls SMD 060 95 CI 023-097 and there was an increased odds ratio of depression for the lowest v. Highest vitamin D categories in the cross-sectional studies OR 131 95 CI 10-171.
The cohort studies showed a significantly increased hazard ratio of depression for the lowest v. Highest vitamin D. Findings indicated that for the two groups that received vitamin D there was a significant improvement in depression using the Beck Depression Inventory which was more pronounced in those with higher depression at baseline.
Limitations of the study were that only overweight and obese adults were included and participants did not have to have depression at baseline to participate. Les résultats scientifiques précédemment décrits sont dautant plus plausibles grâce aux mécanismes récemment étudiés qui pourraient expliquer les effets que produit la vitamine D sur la dépression. Tout dabord la vitamine D joue un rôle décisif dans la régulation de la sérotonine substance messagère cérébrale 24 et une carence en vitamine D entraîne des modifications structurelles et influence.
There is adequate evidence for a positive association between vitamin D deficiency and depression. If a depressed individual is deficient Vitamin D supplementationaugmentation can be an. Vitamin D supplementation favorably impacted depression ratings in major depression with a moderate effect size.
These findings must be considered tentative owing to the limited number of trials available and inherent methodological bias noted in few of them. La dépression est une maladie mentale très courante. Au Québec il est estimé que de 10 à 15 des gens en souffriront au cours de leur vie.
La dépression peut être très handicapante pour les gens qui en souffrent. Recent studies by Springer and research results reported in the New England Journal of Medicine and by the Vitamin D Council are indicating a link to. Les personnes qui manquent de vitamine D pourraient être plus touchées par la dépression que les autresMais les études sont encore trop peu nombreuses pour que lon puisse conclure formellement.
Ce que disent les études Un petit nombre détudes épidémiologiques ont exploré la relation entre la vitamine D et la dépression. Indeed vitamin D may play a key role in the pathophysiology of depression and a number of studies have shown the presence of vitamin D its receptors VDR and associated enzymes CYP 24A1 CYP 27B1 in several regions of the brain pointing to a role of vitamin D as a neuroactiveneurosteroid hormone involved in key functions such as neuroprotection neuroimmunomodulation brain development and. Vitamin D deficiency and depression.
A vitamin D deficiency may contribute to depression. For example one review of 13 studies with over 31000 participants found that those with a vitamin D deficiency had an increased risk for depression when compared to those with higher levels of Vitamin D. Low levels of vitamin D have been associated with depression.
The decrease in vitamin D production caused by reduced sunlight during the winter months may be a factor in seasonal affective disorder SAD. If your vitamin D levels are not low supplementation isnt likely to benefit your mood. Vitamin D Deficiency With Depression Anxiety A Picture of Vitamin D.
The human body uses vitamin D nutrients to help with calcium absorption. It might also help with. Vitamin D and Depression.
Although insufficient vitamin D intake doesnt automatically indicate that a person will. Le fait den manquer peut donc être lié à la dépression à lasthénie et à dautres pathologies. Certains symptômes de carence en zinc sont le manque dappétit la chute des cheveux ou bien la facilité à tomber malade.
La consommation de zinc est extrêmement conseillée quand la dépression est liée aux débuts de la ménopause. En effet cet oligo-élément a aussi la. Vitamin Ds effect on mental health extends beyond depression.
Schizophrenia has also been linked with abnormal levels of vitamin D.